Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Diversity in Representation

Articles have been touting the increase in diversity that will occur after this year's election. And although, diversity in general is a good thing, we have to be careful and choose our candidates based on their convictions. A classic case would be the Illinois Senate Race between Barak Obama (Dem.) and Alan Keyes (Rep.). Both are African-American men; however their politics are extremely different (and I mean beyond the normal Dem. vs. Rep. crap). Obama has a wide lead over Keyes for now, but Keyes certainly isn't helping himself. Recently, in a radio interview, he blasted gays saying they were all living in sin and were "self-hedonists" (his word, not mine). He went on to say that this statement included Vice-President Dick Cheney's daughter. What he neglected to say at the time was that it included his own daughter, Maya. It seems this young lady is an open lesbian and has discussed her role in her father's campaign on her own blog site. I'm hunting that down now. I want to see what the sista has to say about her father's intolerant views about her. The point here is that conservatism is one thing and there are many blacks living in suburbia who vote Republican. But we have to recognize intolerance for what it is - ignorance. Let's not foster this attitude in our communities. Sorry, Alan, you need to get a grip.



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